
Salvation Army Foundation Activities


1. Development of Leisure Room at Fény Háza Family Transitional Home

Why is development necessary?
With the listed specialized equipment, we can indirectly stimulate the nervous system.
Coordinating large movements and developing fine motor skills begins in early childhood for adaptive development. It is particularly important to pay attention to children who show motor and cognitive delays compared to their age!
For children living in the maternal home, we consider it justified to provide these items and ensure their regular use.
For balance development, a "funnel" and a "tilting pad" designed for this purpose are suitable, and for the development of the vestibular nervous system, a "Montessori rainbow swing" would be needed.
Through the use of developmental toys for 15-25 minutes daily, not only can their motor skills improve, but they can also achieve better results in learning.
Improved behavior during social interactions can be expected during tension release, and mastering success can give confidence to the children living here.

2. Support for Ukrainian Refugees

Why is persistent assistance necessary? What have we done so far?
The ongoing Ukrainian war has already separated thousands of families and rendered numerous people homeless. As you know, in such times, human kindness and assistance are crucial. We are actively involved in this area and have initiated a project aimed at providing concrete assistance to those who need it most.
Shelter Home: 10 Apartments
One of our most important projects is the establishment of a shelter home, where we have set up ten apartments. These apartments will provide temporary shelter for those who have had to leave their homes due to the war. The apartments are designed to meet all basic needs and provide a stable, secure environment for those in need. Moving in is currently underway, and some of the apartments are already occupied.
Weekly Aid Shipments to Transcarpathia
Our colleagues have been delivering weekly aid shipments to Transcarpathia since the beginning of the war. We provide food, clothing, cleaning supplies, and other basic necessities to alleviate the suffering of those living there.
Volunteers on the Hungarian Border
We receive significant support not only remotely but also domestically. Volunteers on the Hungarian border assist with welcoming people and performing associated tasks. They handle everything from administration to food and clothing distribution.
Reception and Care
These two main principles guide the project. We aim to provide support not only in physical space but also in the spiritual and mental realms. People need not only walls but also a stable, secure community.
Donations and a 300 Million Forint Investment
The economic background of the project is partly provided by monetary donations. So far, the investment amount is close to 300 million forints, and we manage these funds. However, additional support is needed for the success of the project.
We appreciate your support in advance, and if you can contribute to the project in any way, we warmly welcome it.
Assistance is important not only to those being helped but also to those providing help. Together, we can achieve much more!

3. Fight Against Human Trafficking
Why is persistent assistance necessary? What have we done so far?
We base our work on three main pillars:
Street Outreach Service: We search for girls in Budapest's tolerance zones weekly to build bridges, gain trust, and show them that there is a way out, there is help. We not only provide information but also offer preventive advice and help them know where to turn in case of trouble.

Reception Station: For those who want to exit prostitution, we provide comprehensive rehabilitation support. We help them physically and mentally to reintegrate into society.

Psychological Support: For those already on the path to change, we also provide psychological support to help them find their place in the world more easily.

Why is this so important?
In many cases, hopelessness, crises, lack of security, and love drive girls into this situation. Many exploit their vulnerability, becoming victims of sexual exploitation.
In the coming days, we will receive a minibus designed for our work. Our mobile office is suitable for conversations and assistance. During street visits, we often provide small packages containing sweets, non-perishable food items, and hygiene products. Such services are considered highly unique in Hungary, and we believe this will be a significant step in the fight against human trafficking.

4. Overcoming Digital Barriers Program
"Come, complain, we'll help!" Pilot project of the Hope Center in Gyöngyös

Why do we see it as necessary? How did it start?

The Salvation Army has always strived to help those in need. In our rapidly changing world, digital challenges are among the new obstacles that many struggle with every day. That's why we launched the G.P.S. program to offer a helping hand in the labyrinth of the 21st-century digital world.

The complexity of the digital world: Technological advancements come with many benefits, but new tools and systems are often complex and time-consuming to understand. This is especially true for older generations and those less familiar with the digital world.
Lack of community support: Many feel abandoned in the digital space, where it's difficult to find personal assistance. The goal of the G.P.S. program is to provide community support in a friendly and understanding environment accessible to everyone.
Daily tasks' digital barriers: Simple tasks like scanning a QR code, online registration, or appointment booking can be obstacles. These small barriers can become significant problems when there is no one to help.

How does the G.P.S. program help?
Personal assistance: Our trained volunteers are ready to help overcome digital obstacles. Whether it's scanning QR codes, online registration, or appointment scheduling, we are here to help.
Building connections: If necessary, we connect people with experts or organizations that can provide further assistance in solving their problems.
Learning and growth: We not only help solve immediate problems but also teach how to handle these situations in the future.

The program is operated on a pilot basis from 2023 to 2024. We collect experiences and intend to provide similar opportunities to clients in all institutions in the future.
The program's material requirement is providing computers for individual practice.

5. Sports Day for the Homeless and Clients of Day Shelters
Every year, the House of Crossroads organizes community days, including a Sports Day usually in early summer. This is expected to take place in July 2024, with an average of 40 participants.
Why is this important?
The aim of the event is to engage clients, briefly pulling them out of the passivity of their gray everyday lives. These programs also foster community building, and participation in various competitions provides a sense of accomplishment, creating a truly joyful, lively atmosphere. The programs may start off slowly, with few sign-ups, but in the end, almost everyone has tried some sport or skill challenge. Even clients with limited mobility, walking with a cane, can join in the joy of victory. The shared meals also provide a good opportunity for cheerful conversations between helpers and the helped. Every program has a spiritual dimension.

6. Beauty Day for the Homeless and Needy - Program of the House of Crossroads

Those who use our services arrive at the facility in despair, unable to break out of the negative vacuum they have fallen into independently. The house has been operating since 1998 and functioned as a rehabilitation institution for many years. Today, it serves as a day shelter and soup kitchen. Previously, 24 women could stay here for up to five years (most of them were ready to move out after one

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